Read “The Storm Riders,” a fantasy short story by Laurel Anne Hill in Fault Zone: Shift (Sand Hill Review Press, 2013), an anthology of stories and poems.
The San Francisco/Peninsula Writers have done it again. This is their fourth volume of short stories. Novelists Max Tomlinson, David Hirzel, Margaret Davis, James Hanna, Diane Lee Moomey, and Laurel Anne Hill join forces to produce a stellar anthology. Senior poet laureate Jo Carpignano and award winning poet Maurine Killough will jog your sensibilities. This anthology is chock full of great stories by professional and prize-winning writers. Other authors include Lois Young, Tina Gibson, Darlene Frank, Diane Jacobson, Martha Clark Scala, Don Redmon, Frank A. Saunders, Sue Barizon, Karen Hartley, Ann Foster, Tim Woolf, Bardi Rosman Koodrin, Lisa Melzer Penn, Wendy M. Voorsanger, Dorcas Cheng-Tozun, Tory Hartmann, and Lucy Ann Murray.
Purchase Fault Zone:Shift at Fault Zone: Shift is available in both trade paper and electronic versions.